Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress

  • Hi,

    I’m using WooCommerce Pacsoft/Unifaun, I have an account wiht Pacsoft, however I dont know where to get the API license key, is there anyone could tell me where to apply for that?


Apr 10, 2020 To get an API key: Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console. Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key. Click the menu button and select APIs & Services Credentials. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. Create rule for each one of the Threat Analytics information that you want to correlate. For this, check what rule is most appropriate for what you want and click create rule: Tip: Note that each rule have at least two Data Sources (in Data Sources column).

This key can be updated from Settings User Plus options page. Your app must include this key with every call to get the data from REST API. Please see documentation for calling endpoints examples for ‘JSON API User Plus’. JSON API User Plus features include: Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication; Validate Auth Cookie; RESTful User. Oct 25, 2016  You can specify any number of different Key Types for use in multiple environments for each user. Keys are generated upon User Registration where it generates both a live and test key for the secret Key Type by default. To also create both a 'secret' and 'publishable' API Key, configure it with.

  • Hi,

    I have the same question.

    @qingsongli1979 Did you ever find out anything?

    Getting started – APIConnect Unifaun/Pacsoft

    Before you can start using the Unifaun/Pacsoft REST API you need to apply for it. Log in to your Unifaun or Pacsoft Online account and order Unifaun APIConnect from the webshop. Once approved, the agreement gives you access to the REST API and API Keys.

    Creating API-key
    Once you have the access to APIConnect in your account, a new menu will emerge under the Maintenance section called API-keys.

    API-keys are used to authenticate towards different modules and functions provided by Unifaun where APIConnect is one of them. To create an API-key do following:

    1. Click on New API Key button.
    2. Leave the status on Enabled and make sure that Type checked is Web Services (REST).
    3. Note. As you can create multiple API-keys, you might want to write a short note on this particular API-key and what it will be used for.
    4. IP-address restriction can be set if desired so that this particular API-key only can be used from certain IP-addresses or ranges.
    5. E-mail field is not in use at this time.
    6. Developer-ID is the ID of the account using this key. Normally this would be your own account’s user ID but in some cases you might have a ERP-system, webshop provider or some other third party that will post data into your account on your behalf. If this is the case, enter your provider’s account user ID.

    Once you click on Finish, the system will automatically generate the key consisting of an ID, secret ID and combined ID. It is values ID and secret ID that you need to use to authenticate towards the APIConnect framework.

    Tomi Pesonen

  • The topic ‘Where to get API license key?’ is closed to new replies.


JSON API User extends the JSON API Plugin with a new Controller to allow RESTful user registration, authentication, password reset, RESTful Facebook Login, RESTful User Meta and BuddyPress xProfile get and update methods. This plugin is for WordPress/Mobile app developers who want to use WordPress as mobile app data backend.

JSON API Plugin, that is required, was closed on August 7, 2019 from WordPress repository. You can download JSON API Plugin from until it is republished and available on WordPress.

Features include:

  • Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication
  • Validate Auth Cookie
  • RESTful User Registration
  • RESTful Facebook Login/Registration with valid access_token
  • RESTful BuddyPress xProfile fields update
  • Get User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Update User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Delete User Meta
  • Password Reset
  • Get Avatar
  • Get User Info
  • Post Comment

The plugin was created for mobile apps integration with the web app using WordPress as backend for all the data. WordPress helped in putting together the web app quickly and then Mobile iOS and Android apps were integrated via this plugin. There were some app specific customized methods which are not included but rest have been made generic for community usage.

My other JSON API Auth plugin has also been integrated with this plugin from version 1.1 because most endpoints required user authentication via cookie for data update.

Pro Version – JSON API User Plus

A pro version of this plugin, JSON API User Plus, is available here that supports BuddyPress Messages component, BuddyPress avatar upload, BuddyPress Extended Profile, BuddyPress Groups, BuddyPress Friends, BuddyPress Activity, BuddyPress Notifications, BuddyPres Settings and other BuddyPress related functions to integrate BuddyPress features in your mobile app via REST api.

JSON API User Plus includes API key which protects and restricts the endpoint calls. This key can be updated from Settings > User Plus options page. Your app must include this key with every call to get the data from REST API. Please see documentation for calling endpoints examples for ‘JSON API User Plus’.

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Free

JSON API User Plus features include:

  • Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication
  • Validate Auth Cookie
  • RESTful User Registration
  • RESTful Facebook Login/Registration with valid access_token
  • RESTful BuddyPress xProfile fields update
  • Get User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Update User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Delete User Meta
  • Password Reset
  • Get/Upload Avatar
  • Get User Info
  • Post Comment
  • Add Post, Update Post, Delete Post
  • Add/Edit/Delete Custom Post Type, Custom Fields
  • Search User
  • BuddyPress Activities
  • BuddyPress Members
  • BuddyPress Friends
  • BuddyPress Notifications
  • BuddyPress Settings
  • & many more


First you have to install the JSON API for WordPress Plugin (

Who generates the session key. To install JSON API User just follow these steps:

  • Upload the folder “json-api-user” to your WordPress plugin folder (/wp-content/plugins)
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress or by using the link provided by the plugin installer
  • Activate the controller through the JSON API menu found in the WordPress admin center (Settings -> JSON API)


  • There are following methods available: register, get_avatar, get_userinfo, retrieve_password, validate_auth_cookie, generate_auth_cookie, get_currentuserinfo, get_user_meta, update_user_meta, delete_user_meta, xprofile, xprofile_update, fb_connect

  • nonce can be created by calling if you are registering user. http://localhost/api/get_nonce/?controller=user&method=register

  • You can then use ‘nonce’ value to register user.

  • Always use POST method and not GET method to submit data, following url examples of GET method are only for demonstration purposes.

Method: info


This returns plugin version.

Method: register


To register user & get valid cookie for 100 seconds:

Optional fields: ‘user_pass’, ‘user_nicename’, ‘user_url’, ‘nickname’, ‘first_name’, ‘last_name’, ‘description’, ‘rich_editing’, ‘user_registered’, ‘jabber’, ‘aim’, ‘yim’, ‘comment_shortcuts’, ‘admin_color’, ‘use_ssl’, ‘show_admin_bar_front’.

Please make sure you provide valid values that these fields expect in correct format.

To disbale registration email notification to user:


To register with user provided password:


To add custom fields for user profile, send ‘custom_fields’ named associative array, populated with standard ‘meta_key’ as index and ‘meta_value’ as its value. For example, you need to add address and phone for any user, populate custom_fields[address] index with address value and custom_fields[phone] with hpone value.

You can add any number of custom fields. These are stored as meta_key and meta_value in user_meta WordPress table. You can access these values in WordPress using get_user_meta() fucntion.

You can also get these values with get_user_meta endpoint, see below this endpoint documentation.

Method: fb_connect

It needs valid ‘access_token’ var.


Provide valid access_token with email extended permission. To generate test access_token, try this tool and select the app from above drop down that you want to get access_token (You must have joined that app already with email permission to generate access_token) for and then select email from the fields. By default, only ‘id’ and ‘name’ are added but you need to include ’email’ for user identification.

You will have to first allow extended permission for email in the app joining screen. Please note that above tool is only for testing, you generate valid access_token using the Graph API in your app. You should know Facebook Graph API to use this endpoint.

Method: validate_auth_cookie

It needs ‘cookie’ var.

http://localhost/api/user/validate_auth_cookie/?cookie=admin 43089754375034fjwfn39u8

Method: generate_auth_cookie

It needs username, password vars. seconds is optional.

First get the nonce: http://localhost/api/get_nonce/?controller=user&method=generate_auth_cookie

Then generate cookie: http://localhost/api/user/generate_auth_cookie/?username=john&password=PASSWORD-HERE

Optional ‘seconds’ var. It provided, generated cookie will be valid for that many seconds, otherwise default is for 14 days.

generate cookie for 1 minute: http://localhost/api/user/generate_auth_cookie/?username=john&password=PASSWORD-HERE&seconds=60

60 means 1 minute.

Method: delete_user_meta

It needs ‘cookie’ and ‘meta_key’ var and ‘meta_value’ to delete.


Method: update_user_meta

It needs ‘cookie’ and ‘meta_key’ var and ‘meta_value’ to update. You must include a ‘meta_value’ var in your request. If you have multiple values for any meta_key, you must send it as an array meta_value[] in POST method.


Method: update_user_meta_vars

It needs ‘cookie’ and any user meta variables. This endpoint allows you cut http requests if you have to add/update more than one user_meta field at a time.


In the above endpoint call, website, city, country are meta_key for WordPress user_meta. It is different from BuddyPress xProfile fields.

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress 2017

If you have multiple values for any variable, you must send it as an array i.e. variable_name[] in POST method. For instance, you have skills variable with multiple values, you will send a skills[] array with its values using POST method.

Method: get_user_meta

It needs ‘user_id’. ‘meta_key’ var is optional.


Method: xprofile

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Download

It needs ‘user_id’ and any profile ‘field’ var.


Method: xprofile_update

It needs ‘cookie’ and any profile ‘field’ var and ‘value’.

dragon ball z game for ppsspp emulator android http://localhost/api/user/xprofile_update/?cookie=COOKIE-HERE&exact-xprofile-field-label=value


Please make sure you provide ending comma for all those fields which have multiple values. e.g. If ‘skills’ xProfile field has multiple values, pass them like
http://localhost/api/user/xprofile_update/?cookie=COOKIE-HERE&skills=PHP,MySQL, or &skills=PHP, make sure you always pass ending comma for multi-select fields to be added in array format.

Method: retrieve_password

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Free

It needs user_login var.


Method: get_avatar

It needs user_id var.

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Login



Method: get_userinfo

It needs user_id var.

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Account


Method: post_comment

Generate An Api Key For Each Registered User Wordpress Pdf

It needs ‘cookie’, ‘post_id’, ‘content’, ‘comment_status’ vars.

http://localhost/api/user/post_comment/?cookie=COOKIE-HERE&post_id=ID&content=Comment contents here&comment_status=1 /generate-random-secret-key-online.html.

For additional endpoints, pro version JSON API User Plus plugin details check here
