Generate Dkim Public Key Hostgator

  1. Public Key Example
  2. Create Dkim Keys
  3. Dkim Key Check
  4. Dkim Key Dns

The selector is used to identify the public DKIM Key details of the Domain. It is an attribute for the DKIM Signature and is included in the DKIM header of the email. You can use multiple selectors for a single domain in cases where you need to provide Special Signatory Controls for different sets of users.


This article shows you how to add Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) TXT records to your domain. DKIM is a method for fighting spam that works by associating outgoing email with a domain via a digital signature. The sending mail server attaches a 'signature' to an email that has been encoded with a private key. If the receiving mail server is configured to check for DKIM, it will use a corresponding public key (the TXT record) to decode the signature and verify its authenticity. Because DKIM enabled email is less likely to be spam, recipient mail servers are less likely to filter the email. This can improve email deliverability.

  • Hi, I struggled a lot with the 2048-bit DKIM keys that cPanel insists on generating, but that few registrars allow you to paste into the TXT field. I solved it by hacking cPanels generation script to reduce the key size, and I thought I'd post it here if it helps someone.
  • Deploy Public Key by DKIM Manager. If your domain is hosted by Windows DNS Server in local LAN. After you added a domain in DKIM Plugin Manager, you can select the domain and click 'Deploy Key', input your DNS server address and choose the DNS zone, the public key.

This article is only for adding an existing DKIM record that you already have the info for.

Important Note: DKIM is reputation based. Over time, using DKIM can raise the reputation of associated addresses and subsequently improve deliverability. However, addresses that send high volumes of low quality content that is regularly flagged by recipients may still be targeted by spam filters.


Public Key Example

This article is provided as a courtesy. Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting custom DNS settings is not supported by Media Temple. Please take a moment to review our Statement of Support.


Your domain must be using Media Temple nameservers:


For information on how to confirm this for your domain, see this article: Performing a WHOIS search.


Adding DKIM TXT records to your Media Temple zone file

Grid mail does not support DKIM. In order to use DKIM with a domain hosted on the Grid, your email must be managed elsewhere. If you’d like an additional layer of email verification for your Media Temple hosted email, you may want to check out this article for creating and adding an SPF record:
How can I create an SPF record for my domain?

1. Log into your Account Center and click on the domain that you'd like to add the DKIM TXT records to. Alternatively, hover over the domains tab at the top of the Account Center and click on Show All. Select the relevant domain from the list.

2.Click the Edit DNS Zone File option under the DNS & ZONE FILES menu.

4. Click + Add Row to create a new record. This record will tell the mail server that all email messages associated with this domain use DKIM.

  • Subdomain (Name): _domainkey
  • Type: TXT
  • Data: o=-

5. Click + Add Row to create a new record and add your DKIM key. This is the public key that will be used to decode the email's associated digital signature. Once you've added both records, click on Save Changes. Allow up to 24 hours for propagation, after which time DKIM should be enabled for the domain.

  • Subdomain (Name): default._domainkey
  • Type: TXT
  • Data: Your DKIM key.


If your DKIM key in the Data field exceeds 255 characters and you do not break it up with quotes, you will receive the following error:

This is likely because your key is 2048 bits instead of 1024.

In order to add a record that exceeds 255 characters, you must break the record up with quotes (') and add both strings to the TXT field.

Sample 2048 bit key that exceeds 255 characters:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa;

In order to enter the above key into the TXT field, divide it into multiple strings using quotation marks:

'v=DKIM1; k=rsa;


Now add both strings to the same data field for the TXT record. Be sure to include a space between the strings.

5. /ashampoo-burning-studio-key-generator.html. Click Save to commit the changes.

Instructions for Plesk

Plesk has a built-in way to toggle DKIM on and off. However, enabling DKIM for outgoing email requires that you get the associated TXT record from Plesk and add it to your Media Temple zone file. All required steps are included in the article.

1. Log into your Plesk admin panel and click on Tools & Settings.

2. Click on Mail Server Settings under Mail

3. Scroll down to the DKIM section and check the boxes to enable.

4. Scroll to the bottom and click on OK. You will then be transported back to the Tools & Settings menu where you'll receive a confirmation that your Mail settings have been updated. This has enabled DKIM for the server.

5. The next step is to enable DKIM for individual domains, which will create the associated TXT records in your Plesk zone file. Click on Websites & Domains to list your domains.

  • Alternatively, if you're using Plesk's service provider view, you will click on Domains and then select the relevant domain from the list.

6. Click on Mail Settings for the domain that you'd like to enable DKIM protection on.

7. Scroll down and check the Use DKIM. box and click apply.

8. Enabling DKIM protection for the domain created the required TXT records in the domain's Plesk DNS zone file. In order for DKIM to work properly, these records will have to be added to your Media Temple zone file. Navigate back to the domain's settings and click on DNS Settings.

9. Scroll down until you see a TXT record that begins with 'v=DKIM1;' followed by a long string of characters. This is the DKIM TXT record that needs to be added to your Media Temple zone file. Copy the entire record. If you need help creating this record in your Media Temple zone file, use the instructions at the beginning of the article. Once you've saved the record, allow up to 24 hours for propagation, after which time DKIM should be enabled for the domain.

Instructions for cPanel

As of cPanel & WHM version 62, cPanel provisions SPF and DKIM for new accounts by default. However, the system does not automatically provision these DNS records for existing accounts. You can enable DKIM for all accounts simultaneously via WHM, or for individual domains via cPanel.

It is also very important to note that enabling DKIM for outgoing email requires that you get the associated TXT record from cPanel and add it to your Media Temple zone file. All required steps are included in the article.

Enabling DKIM/SPF Globally

1. Log into WHM and enter DKIM into the search field. Click on Enable DKIM/SPF Globally

2. Click Proceed.

3. In order to complete the process and enable DKIM/SPF to work properly for outgoing messages, you must add the DKIM and SPF records to your Media Temple zone file. To quickly navigate to your zone files, type 'Edit DNS' into the top left search field.

4. Select a domain. You must copy the associated DKIM and SPF record for each of your domains and add them to your Media Temple zone file. Open each of your zone files and scroll down until you see the DKIM and SPF TXT records that WHM created. The DKIM TXT record will begin with 'v=DKIM1;' and the SPF TXT record will begin with 'v=spf1'.

5. The records are domain specific and will have to be added to the proper zone file for each domain. For instructions on how to add these text records, scroll to the top of the article.



Check the Domains FAQ if you don't find what you're looking for.

If Hostgator is your DNS hosting provider, follow the steps in this article to verify your domain and set up DNS records for email, Skype for Business Online, and so on.


You must perform the first procedurebelow, Point your domain to your hosting account, before you add DNS records by using any of the other procedures in this article.

After you make all of these changes at Hostgator, your domain will be set up to work with Office 365 services.

To learn about webhosting and DNS for websites with Office 365, see Use a public website with Office 365.

What is public key


Typically it takes about 15 minutes for DNS changes to take effect. However, it can occasionally take longer for a change you've made to update across the Internet's DNS system. If you're having trouble with mail flow or other issues after adding DNS records, see Find and fix issues after adding your domain or DNS records in Office 365.

Point your domain to your hosting account


You must perform this procedure before you perform any of the other procedures in this article.

Amcrest surveillance pro download for mac. Follow these steps to associate your domain and hosting accounts.

  1. To get started, go to your domain management page at Hostgator by using this link. You'll be prompted to log in.

  2. Select Domains on the left.

  3. On the Manage Domains page, select the domain you want to update.

  4. On the pop-out menu on the left, select Name Servers.

  5. On the Name Servers page for your domain, in the Automatically point this domain to my hosting account drop-down list, choose the hosting account that is associated with your domain.

  6. Select Save Name Servers.

Add a TXT record for verification


Before you perform this procedure, you must first perform the procedure in the first section of this article, Point your domain to your hosting account.

Before you use your domain with Office 365, we have to make sure that you own it. Your ability to log in to your account at your domain registrar and create the DNS record proves to Office 365 that you own the domain.


This record is used only to verify that you own your domain; it doesn't affect anything else. You can delete it later, if you like.

  1. To get started, go to your cPanel page at Hostgator. You'll be prompted to log in first.

    (Each hosted account at Hostgator is assigned a unique cPanel address. Your cPanel address should look like this: https://YourSiteAddress:secure-port-number. The sign-up email you received from Hostgator will specify that address, and a cPanel link is also available on the Hosting page.)


    To have a cPanel associated with your domain, you need a hosting account with Hostgator. To get started with Office 365, you can either purchase a hosting account from Hostgator or redelegate your nameservers to point to Office 365.

  2. On the Control Panel page, in the Domains area, select Advanced Zone Editor.

  3. On the Advanced Zone Editor page, in the Add a Record area, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from the following table.

    (Choose the Type value from the drop-down list.)

    TXT Data
    Use your domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    Note: This is an example. Use your specific Destination or Points to Address value here, from the table in Office 365. How do I find this?
  4. Select Add Record.

  5. Wait a few minutes before you continue, so that the record you just created can update across the Internet.

Now that you've added the record at your domain registrar's site, you'll go back to Office 365 and request Office 365 to look for the record.

When Office 365 finds the correct TXT record, your domain is verified.

  1. In the admin center, go to the Settings > Domains page.

  2. On the Domains page, select the domain that you are verifying.

  3. On the Setup page, select Start setup.

  4. On the Verify domain page, select Verify.


Typically it takes about 15 minutes for DNS changes to take effect. However, it can occasionally take longer for a change you've made to update across the Internet's DNS system. If you're having trouble with mail flow or other issues after adding DNS records, see Find and fix issues after adding your domain or DNS records in Office 365.

Add an MX record so email for your domain will come to Office 365


Before you perform this procedure, you must first perform the procedure in the first section of this article, Point your domain to your hosting account.

  1. To get started, go to your cPanel page at Hostgator. You'll be prompted to log in first.

    (Each hosted account at Hostgator is assigned a unique cPanel address. Ssh keygen generate public from private key. Your cPanel address should look like this: https://YourSiteAddress:secure-port-number. The sign-up email you received from Hostgator will specify that address, and a cPanel link is also available on the Hosting page.)


    To have a cPanel associated with your domain, you need a hosting account with Hostgator. To get started with Office 365, you can either purchase a hosting account from Hostgator or redelegate your nameservers to point to Office 365.

  2. On the Control Panel page, in the Email area, select MX Entry.

  3. In the Email Routing area, select Remote Mail Exchanger.

  4. Select Change.

  5. In the Add a New Record area, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from the following table.

    For more information about priority, see What is MX priority?
    Note: Get your < domain-key > from your Office 365 account. How do I find this?
  6. Select Add New Record.

  7. If there are any other MX records in the MX Records section, remove each of them.

Add the six CNAME records that are required for Office 365

Create Dkim Keys


Before you perform this procedure, you must first perform the procedure in the first section of this article, Point your domain to your hosting account.

  1. To get started, go to your cPanel page at Hostgator. You'll be prompted to log in first.

    (Each hosted account at Hostgator is assigned a unique cPanel address. Your cPanel address should look like this: https://YourSiteAddress:secure-port-number. The sign-up email you received from Hostgator will specify that address, and a cPanel link is also available on the Hosting page.)


    To have a cPanel associated with your domain, you need a hosting account with Hostgator. To get started with Office 365, you can either purchase a hosting account from Hostgator or redelegate your nameservers to point to Office 365.

  2. On the Control Panel page, in the Domains area, select Advanced Zone Editor.

  3. Add the first of the six CNAME records.

    On the Advanced Zone Editor page, in the Add a Record area, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from the first row in the following table.

    (Choose the Type value from the drop-down list.)

    autodiscover. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    sip. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    lyncdiscover. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    enterpriseregistration. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    enterpriseenrollment. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
  4. Select Add Record.

  5. Add each of the other five CNAME records.

    In the Add a Record section, create a record by using the values from the next row in the table, and then again select Add Record to complete that record.

    Repeat this process until you have created all six CNAME records.

Dkim Key Check

Add a TXT record for SPF to help prevent email spam


You cannot have more than one TXT record for SPF for a domain. If your domain has more than one SPF record, you'll get email errors, as well as delivery and spam classification issues. If you already have an SPF record for your domain, don't create a new one for Office 365. Instead, add the required Office 365 values to the current record so that you have a single SPF record that includes both sets of values. Need examples? Check out these External Domain Name System records for Office 365. To validate your SPF record, you can use one of these SPF validation tools.


Before you perform this procedure, you must first perform the procedure in the first section of this article, Point your domain to your hosting account.

Dkim Key Dns

  1. To get started, go to your cPanel page at Hostgator. You'll be prompted to log in first.

    (Each hosted account at Hostgator is assigned a unique cPanel address. Your cPanel address should look like this: https://YourSiteAddress:secure-port-number. The sign-up email you received from Hostgator will specify that address, and a cPanel link is also available on the Hosting page.)


    To have a cPanel associated with your domain, you need a hosting account with Hostgator. To get started with Office 365, you can either purchase a hosting account from Hostgator or redelegate your nameservers to point to Office 365.

  2. On the Control Panel page, in the Domains area, select Advanced Zone Editor.

  3. On the Advanced DNS Zone Editor page, in the Add a Record area, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from the following table.

    (Choose the Type value from the drop-down list.)

    NameTTLTypeTXT Data
    Use your domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    v=spf1 -all
    Note: We recommend copying and pasting this entry, so that all of the spacing stays correct.
  4. Select Add Record.

Add the two SRV records that are required for Office 365


Before you perform this procedure, you must first perform the procedure in the first section of this article, Point your domain to your hosting account.

  1. To get started, go to your cPanel page at Hostgator. You'll be prompted to log in first.

    (Each hosted account at Hostgator is assigned a unique cPanel address. Your cPanel address should look like this: https://YourSiteAddress:secure-port-number. The sign-up email you received from Hostgator will specify that address, and a cPanel link is also available on the Hosting page.)


    To have a cPanel associated with your domain, you need a hosting account with Hostgator. To get started with Office 365, you can either purchase a hosting account from Hostgator or redelegate your nameservers to point to Office 365.

  2. On the Control Panel page, in the Domains area, select Advanced Zone Editor.

  3. Add the first of the two SRV records.

    On the Advanced DNS Zone Editor page, in the Add a Record area, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from the first row in the following table.

    (Choose the Type value from the drop-down list.)

    _sip._tls. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
    _sipfederationtls._tcp. domain_name. (for example,
    This value MUST end with a period (.)
  4. Select Add Record.

  5. Add the other SRV record.

    In the Add a Record section, create a record by using the values from the next row in the table, and then again select Add Record to complete that record.


Typically it takes about 15 minutes for DNS changes to take effect. However, it can occasionally take longer for a change you've made to update across the Internet's DNS system. If you're having trouble with mail flow or other issues after adding DNS records, see Find and fix issues after adding your domain or DNS records in Office 365.