Php Artisan Key Generate Failed To Open Stream

This is an article which is specifically written to generate key used in a Laravel web-based application project. The key generated is very special for several features which is needed by the Laravel web-based application itself. It is important because the key is going to be used further for generating cookies and even password across the application. It is actually generated a 32-length of random string.

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Actually, it is going to be automatically generated upon the creation of the Laravel web-based application using composer utility or command which is represented with ‘composer create-project laravel/laravel’ command.

The key generated by typing a command which is executed as follows :

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Like I always do, I run composer create-project inside the Homestead VM to get started. Not once has this failed me before, until today. The result is that laravel/laravel gets. Laravel provides a powerful filesystem abstraction thanks to the wonderful Flysystem PHP package by Frank de Jonge. The Laravel Flysystem integration provides simple to use drivers for working with local filesystems and Amazon S3. You should create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public. Php artisan storage:link.

  • Oct 24, 2016  We’ll teach you how to install Laravel on Ubuntu 16.04.Laravel is a PHP web application framework which is intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
  • OS は CentOS 6.7、 PHP は 5.6.24 です。 composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel test で作成した test ディレクトリに入り、 cd test chmod -R a+w storage/. chmod -R a+w bootstrap/cache php artisan key:generate をした後、 php artisan serve を実行すると.
  • Then I go to directory laravel using cd /var/www/laravel and run the following command php artisan and I got to see all the available commands there. Then I typed in php artisan key:generate and got the error.
  • May 02, 2017  After the laravel installation, i run php artisan key:generate command. Got the following error. ErrorException filegetcontents(/var/www/laravel/.env): failed to.
  • Php artisan cache:clear. This will delete cached files composer dump-autoload. Composer dump-autoload, will re-generating optimized autoload files for your project agian php artisan migrate:refresh. Then create a new fresh migrate for your database php artisan make:migration createuserstable -create=users.

So, the command itself will sets the APP_KEY value in your .env file. On the other hand, if the Laravel web-based project is created by using a version control system like git to manage it for further usage, for an example calling git push to be able to push the source to a certain repository, it will definitely push a copy of the Laravel project to wherever it is going, but will not include the existing .env file . So, in order to run the project after cloning the project using git clone, it must be manually execute ‘php artisan key:generate’ for the application itself to function correctly.

Failed To Open Stream Php

But the command will failed as shown below : Warcraft 3 reign of chaos cd key generator.


This is a command which is needed to be carried out by a specific user account. It is might be the permission which is needed to write the .env file doesn’t fit enough. Only specific file is allowed to write or to modified the .env file since executing the command will actually insert a certain key value generated by the command to a specific file named ‘.env’. Try to re-execute the command and in the following output, it is executed using ‘root’ account as shown below :

The generated key can actually be viewed in the file .env as shown below for an example :

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To generate the key, make sure that the entry in config/app.php which is defining the cipher used and the location of the exact 32 characters string will be inserted.