Keytool Generate New Private Key

Add private key to keystore
  1. Keytool Generate Private Key
  2. Keytool Generate New Private Key West
  3. Add Private Key To Keystore

Java Keytool can be used to generate Java keystores, certificate signing requests (CSRs), convert certificate formats, and other certificate related functions. Keytool is bundled with Oracle's JDK. This article will walk through generating a CSR as well as generating a private. Recommended Method: Use the DigiCert Java Keytool CSR Wizard. Save yourself some time: Use the DigiCert Java Keytool CSR Wizard to generate a Keytool command to create your Tomcat keystore and CSR. Simply fill out the form, click Generate, and then paste your customized Java Keytool command into your terminal. The Java keytool utility creates both your private key and your certificate signing.

Java Keytool - Generate CSR

Java Keytool can be used to generate Java keystores, certificate signing requests (CSRs), convert certificate formats, and other certificate related functions. Keytool is bundled with Oracle's JDK. This article will walk through generating a CSR as well as generating a private key if one is not already available.

1. Generate a keystore:

A keypair must first exist in order to generate a CSR. If you have an existing Java keystore, proceed to the next step, otherwise use the command below to generate a new Java keystore:
keytool -genkey -alias mydomain -keyalg RSA -keystore KeyStore.jks -keysize 2048
Enter keystore password: <create keystore password>
Re-Enter new password: <confirm keystore password>
You now have a Java keystore from which you can generate a CSR.
Note: You can change the Alias of mydomain to a word of your choosing. This alias must remain the same for key generation, CSR generation, and signed public key importing.

Keytool Generate Private Key

Keytool Generate New Private Key West

2. Generate a CSR:

keytool -certreq -alias mydomain -keystore KeyStore.jks -file mydomain.csr
Answer each question when prompted.
Use the chart below to guide you through the process:

First & Last NameDomain Name for SSL Certificates
Entity Name for Code Signing
Organizational Unit Support (Optional, e.g. a department)
OrganizationGMO GlobalSign Inc (Entity's Legal Name)
City / LocalityPortsmouth (Full City name)
State / ProvinceNew Hampshire (Full State Name)
Country CodeUS (2 Letter Code)

Add Private Key To Keystore

Confirm or reject the details by typing 'Yes' or 'No' and pressing Enter
Press Enter to use the same password as the keystore, alternatively specify a separate password and press enter.
Download feeding frenzy 2 mac. You should now have a file called mydomain.csr which can be used to request a digital certificate from GlobalSign.